Gear & Software
Konica FT-1 Motor
I acquired a Konica FT-1 Motor to see how it compares to my Autoreflex T3. Here are my impressions.
Hello! My name is
I'm a software engineer, a fermentationist
and an amateur photographer.
Gear & Software
I acquired a Konica FT-1 Motor to see how it compares to my Autoreflex T3. Here are my impressions.
Gear & Software
In this review, I share my thoughts about another Pentax camera: the Super Program (also known as the Super A).
Gear & Software
CineStill films are overpriced. Luckily, I found HAS65, a cheaper alternative in virtually any quantity. Is it any good?
Photo Edits
In mid-January, I went for a hike around Lake Otomińskie. I took some moody photos in the mist. Here's how I edited one of them.
Gear & Software
In production for over 20 years, the AF Nikkor 50 mm 1:1.8D is one of the few living film-era relics. I own one, and here's why I love it.
Photo Stories
I went for a mid-December hike and returned with a roll full of black-and-white photos taken with a macro lens.
Photo Edits
During a recent photowalk, I took seemingly uninspiring photos. Here's how I transformed one of them into something beautiful.
Photo Stories
My pursuit of film stocks that accentuate Autumn colours continues. I checked whether Fujifilm 400 and Kodak Ultramax were good candidates.
Photo Stories
Autumn colours require a film stock that can do them justice. I checked how Kodak Gold and Fujifilm 200 fared.
At times, I lack the motivation to go out and shoot. There are ways to bring back the motivation and get out of a creative rut!
Gear & Software
In 1973, Konica released this full-featured camera. In 2024, I review it. Better late than never!
Photo Edits
I took a still life photograph out of boredom, which turned out nice. Here's how I edited it.