A Quick Trip to Szczytno

A Quick Trip to Szczytno

Leaving Warmia for a day, I decided to see a bit of Masuria, again with my RMC Tokina 28 mm f/2.8 mounted to the camera. Szczytno was the destination. It's a town situated around 40 km southeast of Olsztyn. Szczytno is a small town known mostly for housing Poland's only Police Academy and recently, for a nearby airport. There's more to see there, as I quickly learned.

Despite being small, Szczytno has two lakes. The smaller one, called Jezioro Domowe Małe, is a lovely spot for a stroll.

Jezioro Domowe Małe

The larger one, situated merely 100 metres away, is called Jezioro Długie. It has a clean, well-maintained beach and a pier with benches and a beautiful view.

Pier on Jezioro Długie

Just behind the beach are the ruins of a 14th-century castle. It's converted into a small museum.

The castle borders with more modern buildings that serve as the town hall. Its clock tower is an easy to spot landmark.

Town Hall

In the immediate vicinity is the statue of Krzysztof Klenczon, a rock musician whose ashes lie in the local graveyard.

Statue of Krzysztof Klenczon

Right behind the statue, there is a brick building of the Baptist Church. It is an early 20th-century neo-gothic structure. I'm not aware of its historical significance but it is in the registry of monuments.

I wasn't able to photograph the Pofajdok figurines scattered around the town. They're metal figurines of boys performing various activities or professions. There's a knight, a thief, a roller-skater/skier and a few others. Finding them all is a fun activity that also serves as a tour of the town's most interesting spots. Maybe I'll take some pictures the next time I visit Szczytno.